Bird Watching Tours for the Panama Canal

Are you looking for a unique way to explore the Panama Canal? Our bird watching tours offer a fantastic opportunity to discover the diverse habitats and species of this incredible region. Our tours last from one to two weeks and can be tailored to any date of your choice. We will pick you up from Tocumen International Airport (PTY) in Panama City and take you to your hotel. The Panama Canal is located in one of the most biodiverse areas on the planet, with a vast array of protected areas surrounding it.

The interoceanic route of the canal is its most famous feature, but there is much more to this hydrographic basin than meets the eye. The species composition is different from that of the old Gamboa highway, which runs parallel to the canal between Panama City and Gamboa. The Altos de Campana National Park and the headwater of a tributary of the basin, the Trinidad River, are located in the westernmost part of the Panama Canal basin. During World War II, an oil pipeline was built to transfer fuel from one ocean to another in case the canal was ever attacked.

Our bird watching tours provide an amazing opportunity to explore this incredible region and its diverse wildlife. So why not join us on an unforgettable journey through the Panama Canal?.