Exploring the Panama Canal: How to Extend Your Tour

Are you planning a tour of the Panama Canal and want to stay longer than initially planned? If so, you'll be glad to know that it is possible to extend your stay. Depending on the length of your stay, you may need to apply for a visa or driver's license. In this article, we'll explore the Panama Canal, its expansion, and how to extend your tour. The Panama Canal is an important gateway for international trade and has seen an increase in use in recent years due to increased imports from China. The canal is managed by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) and is a key part of Panama's economy.

To help stimulate the economy after the pandemic, Panama introduced a short-stay visa program for remote workers. The expansion of the canal has been beneficial for both the channel and its users due to increased demand. This has allowed more tonnage to transit through the canal. China has also increased its presence in the canal through port concession agreements at both ends of the canal. The United States has a Neutrality Treaty with Panama that guarantees permanent neutrality of the canal with fair access for all nations and non-discriminatory tolls. This treaty also reserves the right for the US to exercise military force in defense of the canal against any threat. If you plan to stay in Panama between 90 and 180 days and drive during that time, you will need a license issued in Panama.

See our visas, extensions and driver's licenses page for more information. If you have been issued a tourist stamp or visa valid for less than 90 days, you can apply for an extension. Opposition to the expansion of the canal came from the Panamanian union of construction workers, SUNTRACS. They argued that if supply of any good or service is scarce, companies can raise their prices; this would apply to both Panama Canal tolls and oil. The Biden administration's strategy for Central America provides a framework for investment in the Panama Canal as part of efforts to improve security and strengthen regional transparency in order to strengthen sound governance and the rule of law.

Through this policy framework, the Panama Canal can be linked to a broader Central American strategy due to its profound links with Panamanian economic prosperity. In conclusion, it is possible to extend your tour of the Panama Canal if you want to stay longer than planned. Depending on your length of stay, you may need to apply for a visa or driver's license. The expansion of the canal has been beneficial for both users and channel due to increased demand. China has also increased its presence in the canal through port concession agreements at both ends of the canal.

The US has a Neutrality Treaty with Panama that guarantees permanent neutrality of the canal with fair access for all nations and non-discriminatory tolls.